Baking, Get Gardening FREE" Special
Save over $20 off Retail! (while supplies last)
Get BOTH books "Baking with Mommy" (10th Anniversary)
and "Gardening
with Mommy" for:
only $11.95 plus US Priority Shipping
($6.65 Priority S&H
(2-3 days)
Priority (2-3 days)
S&H $6.65
- Over 90
recipes for the Easy Back Oven(TM)
- Dash, Pinch and Smidgen measuring spoons
- Tons of kid-tested gardening activities in full-color
All Made in the
AVAILABLE (select Amazon hyperlink) on AMAZON.COM
with Mommy Book
Family Gardening Activities
by Kristen Joyal
- Gardening Book
Thought you’ve done all you can with your
flowerbeds, planters and garden?
Are you looking for some fun and educational
family gardening activities?
Well then look no further!!!
If you have a flowerbed, garden site, planting container or even just
a few flowerpots, then the "Gardening with Mommy" book is for you!
With tons of kid-tested gardening activities, the "Gardening with Mommy" book will
provide your family with the information needed to have fun gardening all year round.
Loaded with fun activities, the "Gardening with Mommy" book includes projects like:
● Peanut Butter & Jelly Garden
● “Wild” Animal Zoo Garden
● Itsy Bitsy Spider Garden
● Plantable Seed Cards
● "Wizard of Oz" Garden
● Outer Space Garden
● Pizzeria Garden
● ABC Garden
● Rainbow Garden
● Chocolate Garden
● Loofah Sponge Soap
● Tin Can Pumpkin Man
● Swimming Pool Garden
● Hawaiian Aloha Garden
● Grass Sock Caterpillar
● Balloon Plant Garden
● Litter Box Garden
● Cotton Boll Angel
● Pansy Painting
● and more...
with Mommy Cookbook
for Kid-Size Ovens
by Kristen Joyal
- 10th Anniversary Cookbook

All Recipes are
Designed for:
Easy Bake Oven(TM)
Bake with Me Oven
Mrs. Fields(TM)
Baking Factory
Queasy Bake(TM) Cookerator
Easy Bake Real Meal Oven(TM)
and other light bulb ovens.
mommy, let’s bake something!”
you’ve done all you can with that
trusty old light bulb oven?
Are those expensive baking mixes too much hassle?
think again!
you have a kid-size light bulb oven, then the Baking with Mommy
Cookbook is for you!
With over 70
recipes designed for light bulb ovens, you won’t need to buy
those expensive baking mixes anymore.
The Baking with Mommy Cookbook recipes use normal
kitchen ingredients and are easy.
You and your little ones will delight everyone
with new and
tasty creations.
pull out that kid-size oven out of
the closet, put in a new clear light bulb and let’s get baking!
you don’t have on oven, you can find one in many stores!